About Me
Living With IBS

I was diagnosed with IBS ten years ago, and in that time I've tried several prescription medications. I haven't found much relief from my symptoms using conventional treatments, so a few years ago I started exploring alternative therapies. I started this blog to document the drug-free treatments I've tried, such as reflexology, meditation and homeopathy, and share my personal experiences of exploring natural health care options with others who have IBS. I also post about the latest research on the management of IBS and publish guest posts from other bloggers with this condition who are seeking alternatives to drugs. I hope you find my blog interesting and informative.


How to Eliminate Back Pain Without Taking Painkillers

22 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Back pain is a severe problem that may affect the way you sleep, sit and work. Even though you can take painkillers to relieve the pain, visiting a doctor for proper diagnosis is the best solution. Your doctor will examine your problem and offer you the best treatment option for your back pain. If your doctor feels that painkillers will cause side effects or other medical complications, they might prefer the following natural back pain relief treatments: Read More …