How to Eliminate Back Pain Without Taking Painkillers

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Living With IBS

I was diagnosed with IBS ten years ago, and in that time I've tried several prescription medications. I haven't found much relief from my symptoms using conventional treatments, so a few years ago I started exploring alternative therapies. I started this blog to document the drug-free treatments I've tried, such as reflexology, meditation and homeopathy, and share my personal experiences of exploring natural health care options with others who have IBS. I also post about the latest research on the management of IBS and publish guest posts from other bloggers with this condition who are seeking alternatives to drugs. I hope you find my blog interesting and informative.


How to Eliminate Back Pain Without Taking Painkillers

22 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Back pain is a severe problem that may affect the way you sleep, sit and work. Even though you can take painkillers to relieve the pain, visiting a doctor for proper diagnosis is the best solution. Your doctor will examine your problem and offer you the best treatment option for your back pain. If your doctor feels that painkillers will cause side effects or other medical complications, they might prefer the following natural back pain relief treatments:

Massaging Your Body

One of the most effective natural back pain relief treatments is massaging. When conducted by a professional, it will eliminate your back pain, which will enable you to work, sit and walk without difficulties.

However, this is not a one-time operation. Your doctor will schedule consecutive massaging sessions where they will concentrate on different parts of your back until the pain is gone.


Depending on the main cause or source of your back pain, your doctor might also recommend acupuncture. In this process, your body's nervous system will relax, which will calm your brain. And, that will eliminate your back pain slowly until all the pain is gone.

The most common type of acupuncture is traditionally Chinese, which entails inserting tiny needles into the skin. They position the needles based on the source of the pain. This procedure allows the body to release "feel-good" chemicals that help in relieving pain. It is a safe pain relief treatment process that should be done by an experienced acupuncturist to enhance efficiency.

Practising Yoga

Yoga is also an excellent reliever of back pain. Nevertheless, your health expert has to examine your back pain first before you start engaging in yoga. That will enable the health expert to recommend the kind of yoga that will eliminate your specific pain.

With a professional instructor, you will undertake the specific yoga exercises that will build the muscles that support your back. And, when the muscles are healthy, your back pain will be no more.


Your health practitioner might also use reflexology after examining the source of your back pain. With reflexology, the doctor will loosen your spine, which will improve blood flow around your body. That will relieve the nerves in your back and eliminate your back pain.

During the process, your doctor will concentrate on the reflex points. For instance, they might massage the lower part of your legs or apply reflexology on areas around your shoulders and upper back. The process will eliminate your back pain and enable you to continue with your daily activities comfortably.

Instead of taking painkillers that offer a short-term solution for your back pain, it is advisable to visit a competent doctor for a lasting solution. Your doctor will examine your back to determine the cause. After checking your situation, an experienced doctor will recommend the best natural treatment that is suitable for your specific back pain problem.

For help with pain relief treatment, contact a local health practitioner.